Our Pastor
Pastor D.E. Paulk| Radically Inclusive
D. E. Paulk is the Senior Pastor of Spirit and Truth Sanctuary in Atlanta, GA. where he successfully transitioned an Evangelical Charismatic church into a thriving multicultural, interfaith, LGBTQ+ affirming congregation. D. E. holds a Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.) in Global Religions from Emory University’s Candler School Of Theology and is widely known as a radically inclusive minister who believes that the Christ Spirit is present in all of creation and cannot be defined by, nor confined to, Christianity.
“D.E.'s preaching is as easy-going as the church's approach to differences. No wagging fingers or thunderous revelations. He treats parishioners as fellow companions on a spiritual journey. He sprinkles his conversational sermons with references to everyone from the Buddha to Teddy Pendergrass.”
-John Blake , CNN Enterprise writer/producer
“Descended from generations of Southern preachers, Donnie Earl is now a preacher himself, though a different breed…”
-Katherine Marsh from the article “Son of a Preacher Man,” Rolling Stone Magazine
“Donnie Earl is progressive… young… hip…”
-Mara Shalhoup from the article “The Young Shepherd,” Creative Loafing
Pastor Brandi Paulk, CPA| Executive Administrator/Controller, Music Minister
Brandi Paulk supports her husband's vision and leads the worship team at Spirit and Truth Sanctuary. She is a Certified Public Accountant and graduated Summa Cum Laude, with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Accounting, and later, with Honors, with a Master of Accounting and Finance. She joined D.E. in ministry in 2003 and was ordained in 2006 upon their return to the Cathedral.
The mission of Spirit and Truth Sanctuary is to guide spiritual minds as they wake up to their divine potential, introduce truth seekers to a bigger and better vision and version of God, and model the Kingdom of God by creating an inclusive spiritual community.

April 2010

Pro-Love March June 2011

May 2011

December 2010

December 2010

Don Paulk, Clariece Paulk, Norma Paulk, Earl Paulk (left to right)

Stephen White, Greg Kelly, Minister David Muhammad, Carlton Pearson, Markel Hutchins, D.E. Paulk, David Ault
(left to right)

Victor Powell, D.E. Paulk, Carlton Pearson, Anthony Muhammad, Anne Barr, Greg Kelly
(left to right)
What We Believe
What do we believe? Nothing! We honor the divine intelligence in you deeply enough to reject postures of intellectual superiority and methodologies of indoctrination. We also endeavor to avoid creating spiritual hierarchies and subjugating castes and constructs that create a chasm between the pulpit and pew. Our mission is not to teach you “what” to think. We are committed to offering a spiritual, methodical approach guiding you “how” to think.
At Spirit and Truth, we walk in the awareness that we are not our beliefs or biases, but rather unlimited potentialities capable of having, changing, considering and even letting go of beliefs.
Change is the only constant in the universe. We all change. Yet, we do so at our own pace and in our own space. Whether you are seeking the higher vibrations of spiritual oneness or simply curious about Inclusion or expanded consciousness, we are here to walk and wake with you into a bigger and better vision and version of the unnamable Ultimate Reality we call God.
At Spirit and Truth, there are no deal breakers. True Inclusion must find habitation in the tension between polarities. Therefore, we welcome those who are seeking interfaith expression and LGBTQIA affirmation. We also are a safe space for those with questions about Inclusion, curiosities regarding inter-religious texts, and concerns relative to scriptural interpretations.
Wherever you are in your progression of unfoldment, we ask you to consider the possibility that you are not your present level of consciousness, but rather an eternal, immeasurable capacity endowed with infinite expansion.
What do we Believe?
We are a group of truth seekers who:
- perceive Christ cannot be, and will not be, restricted to Christianity…
- affirm Christ in all of His creation…
- celebrate truth as a journey, not a destination…
- assert the Creator cannot be defined, or confined, by the creation…
- believe the Word of God, the Christ, is perfect, infallible, inerrant…
- understand the fallible cannot accurately scribe the infallible…
- the work of the Holy Spirit is to lead us into ALL truth...not exclusively biblical or Christian truths...
- embrace truth as a knowing, not a known…
- profess faith is a hearing, not a heard…
- accept God has reconciled the world to Himself through Christ…
- endeavor to convince the world of God's love, not convert the world to Christianity…
What is Pro-Love?
- Pro-Love is the simple idea that God is LOVE!
- Pro-Love declares that the strongest bridge connecting cultures and communities, races and religions, is LOVE.
- Pro-Love suggests that war has not produced peace, intolerance has not yielded harmony, and argument has not rendered agreement.
- Pro-Love recognizes that LOVE is the answer to the question.
- Pro-Love dares to believe that through the power of LOVE , the Jew and the Muslim, the Atheist and the Christian, the Gay and Straight, and all others... can live peaceably together.
- Pro-Love agrees that LOVE is the most powerful force in the universe.
- Pro-Love declares that LOVE never fails!
What is Inclusion?
INCLUSION proclaims:
- Christ loves and includes ALL of His creation in His finished work of REDEMPTION and RECONCILIATION! (II Corinthians 5:18-19)
- ALL THINGS flowed from the Christ (John 1) and that ALL THINGS will flow back to the Christ! (Ephesians 1:10)
- An OMNISCIENT Creator was neither shocked nor shaken by the creation’s sin - “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world...” (Revelation 13:8)
- When Christ arrived in time at Calvary’s cross He had already agreed in eternity to its redemption ages prior - His earthly life, death, crucifixion and resurrection were merely time’s rerun of eternity’s sitcom! (II Timothy 1:8-10)
- There was an INSURANCE POLICY in plan in place and in full (paid for) before it was ever needed! (Romans 8:28-39 / Ephesians 1:4-11)

- The ENEMY MIND comes in an effort to deny that we have a policy, to refute that we have a claim and to question if the policy is paid up to date! (Revelation 12:10)
- Man’s FAITHLESSNESS cannot defeat God’s FAITHFULNESS! (Romans 3:3-4)
- Faith does not dispel fear… LOVE DISPELS FEAR! (I John 4:10, 18)
- When the MIND can conceive of the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of God then the HEART will receive the FAITH it so desperately seeks to find! (Philippians 2:10-11)
- When LOVE is the agenda… FAITH will be the result!
Pastor D. E. Paulk

D. E. Paulk is the Senior Pastor of Spirit and Truth Sanctuary in Atlanta, GA. where he successfully transitioned an Evangelical Charismatic church into a thriving multicultural, interfaith, LGBTQ+ affirming congregation. D. E. holds a Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.) in Global Religions from Emory University’s Candler School Of Theology and is widely known as a radically inclusive minister who believes that the Christ Spirit is present in all of creation and cannot be defined by, nor confined to, Christianity.
“D.E.'s preaching is as easy-going as the church's approach to differences. No wagging fingers or thunderous revelations. He treats parishioners as fellow companions on a spiritual journey. He sprinkles his conversational sermons with references to everyone from the Buddha to Teddy Pendergrass.” -John Blake , CNN Enterprise writer/producer
“Descended from generations of Southern preachers, Donnie Earl is now a preacher himself, though a different breed…” -Katherine Marsh from the article “Son of a Preacher Man,” Rolling Stone Magazine
“Donnie Earl is progressive… young… hip…” -Mara Shalhoup from the article “The Young Shepherd,” Creative Loafing
His family founded Chapel Hill Harvester Church (formerly The Cathedral of the Holy Spirit) in 1960. The Paulks have always been known for their ministry of restoration. For over 60 years, the Spirit and Truth Sanctuary has opened its doors to people from every walk of life. This has served as the foundation of who D. E. is today.
D. E. has been the recipient of numerous community, civic and service awards. In 2008, D.E. was inducted into the Morehouse College Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. International Board of Preachers. In 2009, he was honored by Cornerstone University in Lake Charles, Louisiana with an honorary doctorate degree for his in-depth theological research and writings. In 2010, D. E. began serving as a National Board Member for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (S.C.L.C.), the historic civil rights organization founded by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He has authored several books including I DON’T KNOW… THE WAY OF KNOWING , THE HOLY BIBLE OF INCLUSION and his most recent release FULLY AWAKE, a 100-day devotional aimed at challenging your mind, channeling your power, and changing your paradigm. His books are available for purchase in paperback and eBook on Amazon.com, PayPal and others.
D.E. Paulk makes his home in suburban Atlanta along with his wife, Brandi, and children, Esther and Micah.

Bishop Earl Paulk, Jr.
May 30, 1927 - March 29, 2009
Mrs. Norma Paulk
January 18, 1929 - January 27, 2011

Pastor Don Paulk

Pastor Clariece Paulk
Our History
On December 4, 1960, the Gospel Harvester Evangelistic Association held its first worship service in St. John’s Lutheran Church on Euclid Avenue, in the Little Five Points community of Atlanta with thirty-nine people, including founders Earl and Norma Paulk, Don and Clariece Paulk and Harry and Myrtle Mushegan in attendance. The Harvesters choose as their theme scripture Matthew 9:36-38; for their first bulletin cover a picture of a white hand and a black hand clasped in a sign of unity with the accompanying slogan, “A church of compassion. ” Within the first year, this building is purchased and becomes the first permanent home of Gospel Harvester Tabernacle. Charter members are received on Easter Sunday, 1961.
During the early 60’s the Harvesters become involved extensively in community service. 1964 sees the purchase of The Christian Missionary Alliance church building , next door to the original church facility, which now becomes a youth center and fellowship hall.
The church purchases six and one-half acres in South Dekalb County (Decatur, Ga.) in 1972 and a new facility, seating 450, is built at 4650 Flat Shoals Road. The name of the church is changed to Chapel Hill Harvester Church. In its new location the church continues to grow and becomes one of the first truly racially integrated congregations in the entire South.
The 1980’s begin with a shift in the ministry from the traditional Pentecostal “rapture” centered theology to one that emphasizes a form of Christianity that rather than waiting to escape the evils of the world, views it as the church’s responsibility to become stewards of God’s earth and to infiltrate every social system with the love of Christ. Pastor Earl Paulk accomplishes this through a series of sermons about what he calls Kingdom Principles. Unpopular and misunderstood at first, these teachings on the true meaning of the Kingdom of God gradually gain acceptance resulting in exponential growth in the congregation as well as drawing pastors and leaders from all across the country to Chapel Hill.
Phenomenal growth forces the congregation to undertake a series of building projects for the next decade. Following the directive to reclaim all aspects of society for the Kingdom of God, many and varied ministries were established over the course of the next 20 years.
Under the direction of Pastor Clariece Paulk, the Worship and Arts Department became world renowned and presented hundreds of original dramas, performed concerts, hosted conferences, recorded albums and traveled across the nation to participate in other church’s conferences.
In 2003, after serving as youth pastor, worship leader and associate pastor, sharing the pulpit bi-monthly with Bishop Paulk, Donald Earl Paulk and his wife Brandi founded Grace Church in Stone Mountain, Georgia, where they ministered for 3 years until returning to become Senior Pastors of the Cathedral in August 2006. Upon their return, they continued in the founders' footsteps ushering the ministry into another shift in consciousness. Brandi brings her gifts and talents and continues the highest standards of excellence that Pastor Clariece envisioned for the Worship & Arts department. D.E. establishes the Pro-Love organization (www.pro-love.org) and a new network of churches and spiritual centers, the Communion of Christ-Consciousness (www.coc-c.org). In March of 2009, founder Bishop Earl Paulk makes his transition and several months later the church moves to its present location at 2600 H.F. Shepherd Drive. Mrs. Norma Paulk goes home to be with the Lord in January of 2011.
The first sermon preached from the pulpit of the first Neo-Gothic Cathedral to be built in the South was entitled Whosoever Will. That has been our theme from the beginning and is a message that still echoes from the pulpit today. Chapel Hill Harvester Church, now known as the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, has been recognized by both the spiritual and secular worlds for its 55 plus years of commitment to excellence and it’s dedicated service to its surrounding community as well as to the body of Christ worldwide.
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