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Cathedral of the Holy Spirit D.E. & Brandi Paulk, Senior Pastors "The Trendiest, Friendliest, Most Radically Inclusive Worship Experience in Atlanta"

Spirit and Truth Family,

This Sunday, July 22nd at both 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m., we will celebrate the Grand Opening of our new location (2915 Midway Rd. Decatur, GA 30030).

The energy and excitement is undeniable. Every member seems to be overflowing with thanksgiving and gratitude. I can hardly wait to share a worship service together this Sunday. Look at God!

Our desire is that no member of our family feel left out or become left behind. If you have any questions please feel free to call the church office at (404) 243-5020 and ask for Diane Patterson.

Try and remember the parking instructions we have discussed. The S.A.L.A. Daycare next door, the Pawn Mart and the Auto, Tire & Lube Center have granted us access to their parking lots on Sundays. J. J. Fish and Burger King are no parking zones. If the Spirit and Truth lots and adjacent lots mentioned above are full, remember we have plenty of available parking at D.S.A. DeKalb School Of the Arts (formerly Avondale High), Columbia Head Start Center and at Sherwin Williams where shuttles will be available to bring you to and from our property. Anyone who prefers to walk can park on the FAR END of the Wal-Mart parking lot (nearest the NAPA Auto).

Also, we have redesigned our services to be more similar. The 1st service will have more of a feel of the 2nd and the 2nd will have more expression of the 1st. If you do not have small children or teenagers allow me to encourage you to consider attending the 1st service - as our Children's Ministry and Teen Ministry are offered during the 11:00 a.m. service.

Words cannot express how grateful I am for everyone's willingness and work during our relocation and renovation.

It's a new season. It's a new day!

See you Sunday.


D. E. Paulk

View Our Relocation Page

2012 Slogan "Let Spirit Carry You To Truth in 2012"

Spirit of Truth, CARRY me where You will; BRING to me what You will; TAKE from me what you will... I am surrendered. Amen.


2012 will be a year of order and design in my life.
In 2012, the chaos in my life will surrender to order.
In 2012, the disorganization in my life is about to be overwhelmed by structure & discipline.
This year I will allow myself to be mentored into promotion & increase.
The failures of 2011 only exist in my mind to remind me of the wisdom I have gained.
In 2012, I am open, ready and willing for God's favor to follow me and lead me as I walk into my destiny.
I am healthy, wealthy and wise. I am in balance and in order.
2012 will be the greatest year of my life.

Easter 2012 ONE Service

Sunday, July 22, 2012 we introduce our New Service Times of 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.

D.E. and Brandi

Visit Our Relocation page to stay up to date on the latest news. Please note: our first service in our new location will be Sunday, July 22, 2012! Until then...there is much to do to prepare our new home. Together we can! read more
A Course in Miracles

2012 Study Series with Pastor D.E. Paulk,
Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.
Online Event Calendar


Here at Spirit and Truth Sanctuary we have many great ministry opportunities and exciting events. Our ONLINE CALENDAR contains specific event information. Please click the Event Calendar links for a full schedule of upcoming events and activities.  view now

Connect with Us on Facebook & Twitter

Follow and Share Spirit and Truth Sanctuary and Pastor D.E. on Facebook & Twitter. Visit our pages or connect directly using the links below.
Online Product Sales with PayPal and Amazon.com

Books by Pastor D.E. Paulk now available for purchase on Amazon.com or through PayPal.  read more
"A weekly discovery of life...
an awakening to life."

Tired of trying to fit into society's mold of religion? Following someone else's path to spiritual enlightenment? Efforts to do this have left most of us feeling like we are sitting alone in the dark. The Weekly Eureka invites you to flip on a light switch - ask the questions - question the answers and join others on the journey to the most important discovery of all - that of your true self.
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Service Times

  8:30 a.m. Worship Service
  10:30 a.m. Worship Service TUESDAYS
  10:00 a.m. Connection WEDNESDAYS
  7:30 p.m. Study Series

More Events

Address & Directions

Our New Street Address:
  2915 Midway Road
  Decatur, GA 30030
Permanent Mailing Address:
  P.O. Box 371289
  Decatur, GA 30037

Click Here for a Map & Driving Directions


Contact Us

mytruthsanctuary.church © 2012   • Driving Directions
P.O. Box 371289 Decatur, GA 30037 • (404) 243-5020info@mytruthsanctuary.church

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